Friday, April 11, 2008

April 9th Meeting

Wednesday evening we were graced with massotherapy students from Stark State. They gave massages to anyone who wanted them. They were a true blessing for us! Much thanks goes out to them!

We also had a wonderful guest speaker, Dr. Martha Magoon, along with her medical student, Emily Albertson. They shared with us about Aultman's follow up clinic for NICU graduates. They explained the importance of such a clinic for our preemies, to follow their progress with a team of professionals who specialize in developmental care. This allows the needs of your child to be identified early and they can receive the proper treatments to increase their quality of life.

A reminder for next month's meeting - We will be meeting on May 14, 2008. This will be a "Pamper Me" meeting!! We will be having Mary Kay facials by Jennifer Martin and Tastefully Simple by Katie Barber!